~ Testimonials ~

“Children learn things at Saint Ann School that they don’t learn at the public schools.  They learn to give of themselves and find gifts & talent that prepare them for life, such as tolerance and love & care for one another."

Paula WelshFormer Parent for 24 Years

“Eighteen years ago when my middle girl was in Kindergarten, she came home from school one day and told me, “Mrs. Miller told me that Jesus loves me.”  Now I think that’s worth every penny, don’t you?”

Laurie OstermannFormer Parent for 17 Years

"Saint Ann School was the best decision we made for our daughter’s elementary and middle school years. I would do it all over again!  Love & miss our Saint Ann School family!"

Monica Canez-NelsonFormer Parent for 9 Years

"We chose to send our kids to Saint Ann School because we wanted them to have a strong religious foundation.  They learn & practice Christian values through their curriculum & school activities that honor the Catholic tradition.  Additionally, most of the students from Saint Ann School are in the honors classes at the High School."

Anna TorresFormer Parent for 13 Years

"We chose to put our kids in Saint Ann School after having a COVID Kindergartener and seeing the negative repercussions of her not having the best start to her school career.  As parents, we knew we had to make a choice. Since then, her STAR testing shows that she is excelling in math and her reading skills improve everyday.  Both kids love their teachers, classmates & really enjoy their school.  Private school was never on our radar as a parent.  But it was the best decision for our family."

Christine Lyster Current Parent

"I really enjoyed my time at Saint Ann School.  My class felt like a family and my teachers were like mother-figures.  I always felt welcomed, like a second home.  And I was never nervous to go to school, because I had great support."

Sara OstermannFormer Student for 9 Years