Extended Day Program

~ Updated for 2024/2025 School Year ~

The Extended Day Program (EDP) is open on ALL school days, even minimum days, Monday-Friday.  EDP hours are 2:40PM to 5:30PM.  Families who wish to use EDP on an as-needed basis pay the Drop-in Rates. Those who wish to use EDP regularly, please complete a Contract Form.  If your needs change, the contract may be modified.  August fees are pro-rated.  A 25% discount is provided for each additional child.  A homework session is included during EDP.

For the EDP fillable contract form... CLICK HERE

For EDP fillable emergency contacts form...  CLICK HERE


~ All grades, including minimum days ~

OPTION A      2:40 PM to 3:30 PM     $115/month           Monday - Thursday, plus non-flex Friday

OPTION B      2:40 PM to 3:30 PM     $130/month           Monday - Every Friday

OPTION C      2:40 PM to 4:05 PM     $150/month           Monday - Thursday

OPTION D      2:40 PM to 4:30 PM     $160/month           Monday - Thursday, plus non-flex Friday

OPTION E      2:40 PM to 4:30 PM     $175/month           Monday - Every Friday

OPTION F      2:40 PM to 5:15 PM     $185/month           Monday - Thursday, plus non-flex Friday

OPTION G      2:40 PM to 5:15 PM     $200/month          Monday - Every Friday

OPTION H      2:40 PM to 6:00 PM     $225/month          Monday - Thursday, plus non-flex Friday

OPTION I       2:40 PM to 6:00 PM     $240/month          Monday - Every Friday