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Academic Curriculum
Computer Skills
Taught Third Through Eight Grades. Starting in third grade, inside the Saint Ann School's computer lab, students learn the technical language for the hardware and software components; how to turn the computer monitor and printer on and off; how to load and unload CD/DVD disks; how to load the printer with paper; and how to follow the directions of the program.
All students learn keyboarding skills, including accurate typing and proofreading, word processing, saving and printing of a document, simple editing techniques, inserting and deleting of text, starting a new page, and copying and moving text blocks. There are 4 to 6 computers in each classroom, and twenty-five computers in the Computer Lab.
In fourth through sixth grades, students are taught how to design different formats for files; how to enhance text with boldface, underlining, and italics; how to center text; how to file headers, footers, and page numbers to files; how to search and replace text; and how to combine and separate documents.
Fourth grade students produce the monthly school calendar. Fifth grade students produce a newspaper twice a year. Other topics include banner making, card making, newspaper setup and production, and academic games. In seventh through eight grades, students learn to use spreadsheets and PowerPoint presentations.
Twenty iPADs and thirty Chromebooks were purchased for use by the students. Google for Education will be implemented for second grade through eighth grade. Reading, spelling and math testing are done online for most classes.
The Saint Ann School curriculum describes a carefully sequenced and comprehensive program of language arts instruction from kindergarten through grade 8. Reading begins with kindergarten oral language development and listening skills, whole language activities and literature, and beginning phonics.
The curriculum then adds appropriate elements of grammar, vocabulary and literary interpretation as children progress from grade to grade. Writing begins in first grade with basic handwriting, spelling, and syllabication, and proceeds to include regular creative, analytic, and informative student exercises. Classroom speaking is an important part of every year is work. Organized library visits in all grades encourage the development of essential research skills and a love of books. Saint Ann School offers literature reading and analysis as well as advanced writing skills, which are emphasized in sixth through eight grades.
Fine Arts
The Saint Ann School fine arts curriculum provides students in the earliest grades with first experiences in the disciplines, enjoyment and creation of music and painting; significant examples of these and other arts; and a brief treatment of ideas about artistic form and content.
Later classes continue to offer lessons in creative expression and understanding, and begin to relate these imaginative activities to culture and historical differences and developments. Music lessons in all grades familiarize students with the lives and works of selected great composers; teach liturgical music; and demonstrate how sounds are made and notes are played on various musical instruments.
The recorder provides a concrete means of developing music reading skills and related melodic and harmonic concepts. A knowledge of rhythmic organization is developed through speech, movement, song and playing of musical instruments. Creative development is encouraged through many kinds of improvisation. All children actively participate in the making and creating of music.
The Saint Ann School health curriculum provides a program of health designed to educate children about anatomy; hygiene; nutrition; disease prevention; first aid and safety; and the dangers of illegal drugs, tobacco, and alcohol.
History, Geography and Civics
The Saint Ann School social studies curriculum offers students early, continuous, and cumulative instruction in history, geography, and civics. In the first few years of school the program teaches history as a good story, with myths, legends, folktales, biographies of famous men and women, and initial lessons in basic beliefs and traditions of our own and other societies and cultures.
Geography is taught first through active learning techniques and in later years through more direct instruction about topography, cartography, and world explorers.
Civics education begins with symbols of American democracy and nationhood and continues with simple descriptions of our political and legal system, the rights and responsibilities of its citizens, and the root ideas which give it life.
The Saint Ann School mathematics program describes a topical sequence of study in kindergarten through eighth grade.
From the start, story problems are used to reinforce and apply developing skills. Individual subjects and ideas are reviewed only as they apply to new knowledge and build upon one another toward understanding of elementary math as a coherent whole.
The program is designed to provide all students with a complete background in arithmetic and elementary geometry, along with an introduction to the language and territory of basic algebra.
Physical Education
The physical education curriculum at Saint Ann School provides innovative fitness education designed to meet the challenging health and fitness needs of today's school-age children.
Saint Ann children participate in team games, such as volleyball, basketball, and also compete in the local Junior Olympic games. Saint Ann students have been successful in the team sports they compete in, winning tournaments and taking that competitive spirit into high school.
The Saint Ann School religion Curriculum emphasizes God's goodness and God's presence in our lives. It nurtures the faith, hope and love that give life meaning and joy. Its aim is to put people not only in touch but in communion, in intimacy, with Jesus Christ.
The program helps students come to the full awareness that Jesus is their Lord and Savior who through his Spirit leads them to the Father. It encourages an ever deepening relationship with Jesus Christ and with the Church community, leading to commitment and to the fullness of Christian life.
The series contains all the elements of the Christian message in a spiral curriculum. Doctrine is distinguished from speculative theology and pious traditions . Lessons grow out of a Scripture passage or theme and frequently lead the students to read or pray Scripture.
The series is structured according to the documents of Vatican II and other Church documents. The program's methodology is Jesus' methodology. Lessons begin with an experience that prepares the students for the message.
The students learn the message's relevance for today and how to apply it to their lives. Guided activities encourage communication among family members. The program helps the family live out its mission to be a family with Gospel values. It fosters Catholic tradition, family prayer, and growth in mutual respect, love, and support.
The series helps students gain a firm grasp of the faith, enabling them to become evangelizers. It guides them in making decisions based on Christian values. It teaches ways to reach out in service to others. Themes of global awareness, world peace, social justice, ministry, evangelization, and vocations are woven through the books of the series.
Topics contained in every book include Scripture; prayer; decision making; peace and justice; Mary, the saints, and other role models; and the liturgical seasons.
The science curriculum of Saint Ann School is appropriate to the age and intellectual development of the students.
Classroom work is supplemented with practical demonstrations and experiments that both underscore principles of scientific method and suggest science's worldly applications and possibilities.
St Ann students have competed and placed in City, County and State Science Fairs.