CJSF at Saint Ann School
The California Junior Scholarship Federation (CJSF) is a state-wide organization of over 600 chapters. CJSF is an academic service club. It fosters high standards of scholarship, service, and citizenship to the students of California’s public and private middle schools. Membership is based on grades earned during the preceding semester. So for Middle School students, the first semester of 7th grade is used to determine initial membership. If a student earns membership for three semesters in Middle School (one in 7th grade and both in 8th grade), then the student is defined as an Honor Member and automatically qualifies for the High School California Scholarship Federation as a Freshman.
The benefit to CJSF is to groom the student for CSF membership. CSF membership is valuable to students who apply for acceptance to colleges & universities. At Saint Ann School CJSF students receive special privileges, such a fun outing.