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Frequently Asked Questions about Saint Ann School . . .
What grades are offered at Saint Ann School?
Saint Ann School enrolls students in Kindergarten through Eighth Grade. Each class is capped at 20 students.
What are school hours?
School begins at 7:30 AM and dismisses at 2:40 PM. Saint Ann School also offers an afternoon Extended Day Program allowing students to stay until 6:00 PM. The afternoon program includes a homework session.
How much does it cost to send my child to Saint Ann School?
The standard tuition for the 2021/22 school year for a one-child family is $478.50 per month on a twelve month basis. Detailed tuition information may be found under the Support tab --> Registration & Tuition.
Is tuition assistance available?
Yes, the Diocese of Fresno provides tuition assistance to the neediest families, regardless of religious denomination. Additionally, Saint Ann School offers in-house tuition assistance. Please ask the school office for more information.
Why should I choose to send my child to Saint Ann School?
Saint Ann School prepares students to be knowledgeable, faithful and responsible Christians who compassionately serve others.
The environment of our school is unique. The school families form a close‑knit community whose members support the school and each other. Teachers strive not only to help students achieve academically but to also grow in spirituality and maturity. Students are expected to behave in a respectful and Christ-like manner, and they are held accountable for their actions.
We provide continuous communication with families. Parents know what’s going on at school and in the classroom through weekly newsletters from the teacher and the principal. Parents are encouraged to call, e-mail or meet with the teacher whenever they have a concern about their child.
Does Saint Ann School offer music, art, and language classes?
Yes, Saint Ann School offers both music and art classes on a weekly basis. Band and choir are also offered. For more information on our music and visual art programs, please go to the Academics tab. Language classes for Spanish, French, German, and Mandarin are also offered in some classes using Rosetta Stone and enhanced with mentors from the local community.
How do I know my child is learning what he/she needs to go to high school?
Saint Ann School is fully accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) and the Western Catholic Educational Association (WCEA). The curriculum is based on standards set by the Diocese of Fresno and the State of California. Standardized test results indicate that most Saint Ann students perform above grade level compared to the national average.
My child struggles in school. How can Saint Ann School help my child be successful?
Our small classes allow students to receive more individual attention than they would have in a class of 30 students. Teachers engage students in developmentally‑appropriate activities to help them master the knowledge and skills required at each grade level. When a student has difficulty, teachers consult with our Student Success Team to determine additional strategies to help the student. Classroom aides are available to work with individuals and small groups of students. Saint Ann School also collaborates with Sierra Sands Unified School District to test students for learning difficulties and to consult with educational specialists to develop learning plans for them.
Does Saint Ann School offer any extracurricular activities for the students?
Students are involved in Band, Choir, Student Council, and California Junior Scholastic Federation, to name a few. For more information, please visit the Academics and School Life tabs.
Will my child be able to participate in sports?
Saint Ann School participates in 5th Grade boys & girls basketball, Middle School boys & girls basketball, and Middle School girls volleyball. For more information on our Sports Program, please go to the School Life --> Sports Program tab.
What is the school uniform?
The Saint Ann School Uniform consists of plaid shorts for the girls and solid gray shorts for the boys. Gray pants are also available for both girls and boys. All shorts & pants are available through our uniform exchange at minimal cost. Students are required to wear polo shirts with the school logo. Red polos are worn in K to 5th grades, and black polo shirts in Middle School. Polos, along with other Spirit Wear, may be purchased from the school office. For more information and photos of Spirit Wear, please visit the School Life --> Spirit Wear tab.
What is the school's policy regarding student medications?
The general school policy is that all medication is to be stored and administered in the school office unless specifically directed by the child's physician for doctor prescribed medicine. A Request For Assistance Form With Physician Prescribed Medicine Waiver Of Claims And Release Of Liability form must be filled out prior to medication being administered.
For non-prescription medication or over-the-counter medicine, Request For Assistance Form With NON-Prescribed Medicine Or Over-The-Counter Waiver Of Claims And Release Of Liability must to be filled out prior to medication being administered. It is the school's preference that medication be scheduled outside of school hours whenever possible. Forms are available for download from the Support --> School Forms tab or from the FACTS Family Portal.