Morning Assembly

At the beginning of every school day all students, teachers, and the Principal attend the Saint Ann School morning assembly. The assembly is held in the quad between the school buildings or in the Parish Hall. The morning assembly promotes community within the school and students become acquainted with each other. Two students from the same grade, except Kindergarten, lead the assembly each day. This opportunity is given to all students throughout the school year.

At the morning assembly students first sing the Star Spangled Banner while raising the flag. Next students recite the Pledge of Allegiance, the Pledge to the Cross, and the school mission statement. A biblical verse is then read by the student leaders. Students then recite the prayer designated for that day, like the Prayer to Saint Ann. Lastly, students practice a song that will be sung by the choir at Friday’s mass. On Fridays students also sing God Bless America and announce birthdays and exciting happenings from the past week, like winning a volleyball tournament or learning the distributive property in Math.

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