Spirit Wear Order for 2022/2023 School Year
For more information & photos of Spirit Wear, go to School Life tab!
Electronic Information Resource Contract (Fillable)
Provisions and responsibilities for use of the school network & electric devices
Photography & Social Media Permission (Fillable)
Permission to use photograph of student in social media and marketing
Request for Student Records (Fillable)
Authorization for transfer of cumulative & health/immunization records from previous school for enrollment
Scrip Rebate Contract (Fillable)
Choose option for your Scrip rebate after the $400 profit obligation is met
Diocese of Fresno Annual Consent Form
School activities permission, consent of emergency medical treatment, & release of liability
Student Cell Phone / E-Reader Contract (Fillable)
Permission to be in possession of personal cell phone & acknowledgement of the rules
Hot Lunch Voucher - Updated 6/16/21
Form to pay for hot lunches in advance, instead of paying individually
Parent Participation Contract
Contract for service hours (modified to address COVID restrictions)
Purchase Request
Permission needed to purchase items for school events, prior to the purchase
Request for Reimbursement
Request for items purchased for school events, after the purchase (receipts required)
Live Scan Instructions
Instructions for finger printing to meet Safe Environment requirements
Over-the-Counter Medicine Waiver
Parent request for school assistance with over-the-counter medicine
Prescription Medicine Waiver
Parent request for school assistance with prescription medicine